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"family day" at tribeca gallery

Baby S turned One this week and I am, quite frankly, still suffering from the shock.  We're hosting a little party for her tomorrow at a neighborhood park and keeping our fingers crossed that the weather cooperates (read between the lines: 20+ adults, strollers & kids in our apartment would not be a pretty sight).  While I continue to grapple with the enormity that is my sweet baby girl at 12 months -- next step, college! -- I wanted to let my NYC readers in on a cool event happening at a friend's gallery tomorrow.

R 20th Century is hosting their first ever "Family Day" to celebrate "Renate Müller: Toys + Design."  The extraordinary German designer was a pioneer in the design of toys for therapeutic play. The details that distinguish her therapeutic toys make them ideal for any child: they are made entirely with natural materials whose different textures engage children in sensory-motor integration; the simple forms encourage imaginative play; the handles, child-sized scale and sturdiness promote balance and coordination.

As Müller wrote, “playing with high-quality toys is a wonderful way of encouraging children to explore and discover the world, to gain confidence in themselves and in their abilities and to develop their social skills.”

The exhibition will run through January 4th, 2011.  We'll unfortunately miss Family Day tomorrow due to the Baby S Birthday Bonanza, but I'm looking forward to checking out the exhibit this fall/winter season.  Perhaps combined with a brunch at family-friendly Bubby's?

R 20th Century
October 13, 2010 – January 4, 2011

82 Franklin St.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great exhibit. I wish I lived closer.

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