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review: to market, to market...

It's no secret: I could gush about Chelsea Market all day long. I get all giggly and happy when I pass through the front doors, so much so there might be blushing involved. Reminds me of the school girl crush I had on a young Kirk Cameron (and we'll just leave that one where it is).

Not only a foodie paradise for picking up on the go (there's a fabulous seafood market, meat co., fruit exchange & wholesale Thai shoppe) there's several sit-down restaurants, bakeries, chocolate shops, a gelateria, kitchen supply store, and bookstore. To name a few. I'll just say it: Chelsea Market is a mecca for all things yummy. With the addition of Anthropologie and an open space that routinely houses sample sales (Baby S scored two adorable Jacadi outfits last month), you can now add to your wardrobe as your waistband expands from eating too many brownies at the Fat Witch.

In the winter months, Chelsea Market was a great place to go on a stroll with Baby S. True, fighting the crowds is kind of a pain (others apparently share my mad love for the place), but, hitting the market at just the right time (going early is best) - minus the crowds - makes for a really enjoyable time with the Little One. Speaking of Baby S, there is storytime on Sundays (11:30am & 2:30pm) at Posman Books. We haven't been yet but look forward to taking her soon.

Side note: it's only fitting that Chelsea Market is also home to our go-to morning news channel, NY1, the highlight being the dry wit and delivery of "In the Papers," by news anchor Pat Kiernan.

This past weekend, I checked out the new Limelight Marketplace. Only in NYC could a former church become a nightclub... and from a nightclub, a place to shop. First impressions? Well, going on a Sunday afternoon was not the best idea I've ever come up with. The place was packed with people just shuffling around in a daze, looking overwhelmed at best. I didn't see a whole lot of actual shopping going on. I did, however, run smack dab into a lady who was doing the same thing as I was, staring at the stained glass windows which they managed to preserve from the original structure. There is no question: the place is beautiful. It's also tiny, and I would recommend leaving the baby at home... definitely not stroller-friendly. The stores, among them Le Sportsac, Soapology and Hunter Boots, are more like little stands, with just a few items to choose from.

I was curious to see the cupcake shops (it's always about the food, what can I say...) Cupcake Stop and The Little Candy Cake Co. did not disappoint... the presentation is just lovely. It's too bad I couldn't actually sample anything as I had to stand 5 people deep away from the counter. All in all, I felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland... suddenly 10 feet tall, stepping into a miniature world full of all things pretty and out of reach.

Synopsis? Bring your entire family, stroller and kitchen sink to Chelsea Market for shopping, eating and hanging out (take a walk on the Highline afterwards). Go out with your girlfriends to the Limelight for "window" shopping and checking out the food booths (a 24 hr Grimaldi's pizza is opening soon).

Mmm... enjoy!


liz said...

Oh, how I wish I lived in a big city! Both for the markets and for the unique things like a church becoming a club. :)

Marinka said...

Love Chelsea Market and had to idea that there was now shopping at the Limelight!

Heather said...

Happy friday from Mom Loop!

Lisa said...

Sounds like a lovely place wish we had marketplaces here! now following from mom loop follow friday!

Anonymous said...

Stopping from Mom Loop to follow. It is safer for me to appreciate cupcakes from distance. Have a wonderful weekend.

The Activity Mom said...

Stopping by from Mom Loop...your newest follower. can't wait to check out more of your blog.

stop by when you have a chance:


Betsy said...

I'm suddenly nostaligic for city living. *sigh*

Following from Mom Loop!

Jenny said...

totally love nyc and chelsea pier! hope you get to sample those cupcakes...they sound yummy! following from the mom loop...

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