Friends! I've written about my love for all things Target before, and today is no exception... I've got 3 fun announcements for you.
First, if your New Year's resolution includes getting in shape (um, like pretty much everyone else), then you're in luck. New workout duds are a great way to get motivated (and keep at it), and Target's C9 by Champion Apparel line is having a special one day only sale TOMORROW (1/19) -- the entire line, except for sporting goods, will be 40% off. If you're shopping online, use promo code GETFIT.
Next, do you know Cartwheel, Target’s first-of-its-kind digital savings program?
Guests can sign up here on a desktop, or via the Cartwheel app in iTunes using a mobile device. And here's how it works: after you sign up, you'll be given 10 spots to fill from hundreds of Cartwheel offers that are available and easy to search. As you use Cartwheel more, you'll earn additional spots for even more offers. Then, redeem those offers at checkout by scanning a single barcode on your smartphone (or by printing it out from home). You can change your list anytime, or redeem offers multiple times. In a nutshell, Cartwheel was created to save you money. And what's not to love about that?

Last but not least, to celebrate Champion's sale and the awesomeness that is Cartwheel, I've got a $200 Target giveaway for you. Woohoo! See Rafflecopter below for how to enter, and good luck! I'll pick a winner next Sunday, January 26th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, and I was given a $200 gift card in exchange for writing about the C9 Champion sale and Cartwheel app. All opinions expressed herein are my own. #TargetPartner
Love C9....thanks for the heads up about the sale!
yes, to spend more time with extended family.
Love the C9 stuff...thanks for the heads up about the sale :)
No New Year's resolutions for me. I NEVER see them through!
I heart Target!
Oh yeah, no New Years resolutions. I hate to not follow through but I always strive for heat and fit, especially after baby :)
Awesome Giveaway! I need to get fit and organized this year!
My New Year's resolution is the same pretty much every year...exercise and lose weight!
to lose weight
I resolved to eat healthier!
Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
to exercise more
to get fit havent really started yet though lol
I resolved to blog on a more consistent basis!
Spend less time stressing and more time enjoying life
I love Cartwheel! I have saved like $60 this year using it!
Spend less time stressing and more time enjoying life
To get back on my regular workout plan - thank you.
Yes I wanted to lose 29 more lbs!
Thank you
Desiree H
Yes I resolved to start exercising more, including going on daily walks.
Mine is to stay healthy and eat well.
Last year I lost 60 pounds, and this year I have promised to lose my last 35, and set healthier eating habits for life. This would be such an amazing thing to win. I do not have anything that fits me anymore, and it would be such a boost to me to get to buy some clothes. Thank you for the chance. I appreciate it so much!
beachmommy915 at gmail dot com
i did not make any NYRs; I tend to not keep them so don;t make them :)
I want to fit into my pre-baby clothes
my new years resolution is just to go hiking more in our backyard woods!
Nope! I never keep them anyways!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I'd like to relax more and take time for myself and get back into reading more.
I vowed to get organized and get fit this year...pre-3-kids kinda fit!
to visit my family more oftern
I made a resolution to eat better (and less) and lose weight.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Yes to become more organized and spend more time with family
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My resolution is to enjoy life more. Don't worry about things that don't matter, make the most out of every situation. I want to see the positive side on everything even on the not so good situations.
Leidy R rafflecopter
I have a goal of tracking everything I eat!
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Wow! I would like to find more ways to say money! @amysnyder1981
My New Years Resolution was to lose 20 lbs.
Thank you for the chance to win this awesome gift card for the great wardrobe collection by Champion C9.
My resolution is to get rid of clutter! I am terrible at letting the clutter grow so this year is the year for no clutter!
My resolution is to eat healthier so I can be a better example to my children. I'd also like to lose 20 pounds this year!
My resolution is to be better organized this year
My resolution is to exercise at least 3x a week!
My resolution was to finally lose that baby weight!
My resolution is to prepare healthier meals for my family.
No, I didn't make an official resolution, but I did think about things that I wanted to do this set a marathon PR and BQ.
Debnmike moretti
Yes, the be healthier all around, mentally and physically.
My resolution was to lose 25 lbs! Thank you for this awesome giveaway!
julumichael (At) yahoo
My New Years Resolution was to stop drinking sodas. I have done pretty well so far.
teebe008 at yahoo
I'm working on being more positive
My resolution is to stay healthy and try new things.
My resolution is to save more money, cut back on the take out food and enjoy every day
I'm trying to focus more on the positive and living a life that is less stressful
I am so bad about keeping New Year's resolutions that I've given up on making them!
I am on a mission to lose 10 pounds of body fat by spring, when my family is going to the Caribbean!
Resolution? Not really....just want to continue on my health and fitness journey.
To lose the pregnancy weight.
I did! to lose 30 lbs! I've lost 10 so far so hopefully I can keep it up!
stephanie ann
No, I didn't make a new year's resolution!
I didn't make a New Years Resolution because I never stick with them.
To be more patient with myself and others.
It's not necessarily a resolution but I just want to be able to focus on the good things in my life and work towards finding a career that I could really love.
Mine was to start running again and lose an extra 20 pounds. I lost 100 last year!
My resolution is to eat better
To keep on my weight loss journey.
My resolution is to do yoga twice a week.
I did not make any New Years resolutions.
Walk more and eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables
My resolution was to not make a resolution! :)
I plan on reading more, so far so good!
I would like to pay off all debt and go 100% CASH ONLY.
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